Creating a local CentOS mirror
For my RHCE prep, I’m setting up a small lab of 3 machines.. one machine will act as the server.. For my ease of use, I decided to build a local mirror of the CentOS repository (base and updates).
I had downloaded the 4 ISO images of CentOS 4.4 overnight and burnt them.
Please consider the following : I’m only building a local copy of the base and updates repo for CentOS 4.4 for the i386 architecture.
Follow these steps :
mkdir -p /var/www/html/mirror/centos/4.4/os/i386/ ln -s /var/www/html/mirror/centos/4.4 /var/www/html/mirror/centos/4
Insert CD1
cp -a /media/cdrom/* /var/www/html/mirror/4.4/os/i386/
When done
eject /dev/cdrom
Repeat the previous steps for CD2, CD3 and CD4 (say yes when asking for overwriting)
When done, you should make sure your base repository is up to date
rsync -avzH --delete /var/www/html/mirror/centos/4.4/os/i386/
Then, synchronize the “updates” repository, this should take a while and will download a massive amount of data (around 6.3 Gb when I built the mirror)
mkdir -p /var/www/html/mirror/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ rsync -avzH --delete /var/www/html/mirror/centos/4.4/updates/i386/
Make the mirror available through NFS (no security consideration here ! quick and easy way) :
vi /etc/exports :
/var/www/html/mirror/centos/4/os/i386 *(rw,sync)
Start NFS :
service nfs start chkconfig nfs on
Server : server Path : /var/www/html/mirror/centos/4/os/i386/
Making the mirror available through HTTP :
service httpd start chkconfig httpd on
Path : http://server/mirror/centos/4/os/i386/
Please note : If you do use the CentOS rsync service, it is implied that you are providing a mirror for public use and give the CentOS admins authority to publicise the mirror
If you use the rsync service to build a local mirror for testing/learning purpose, please just synchronize it once. DON’T ABUSE.