Setting up NFS + autofs under CentOS 4
Packages needed : nfs-utils
Server side
Edit /etc/exports :
/home *(rw,sync)
Start service and make sure it’ll start at boot
service nfs start chkconfig nfs on
Client side
Check if you can reach the server :
rpcinfo -p
Manually mounting the shared folder
mount -t nfs /home
Setting up autofs on the client side to automount the NFS share :
Package needed : autofs
Let’s say we have a user “admin”
Edit /etc/auto.master :
/home /etc/auto.misc --timeout 60
Edit /etc/auto.misc :
admin -rw,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 server:/home/admin
Start the service :
service autofs start
It should mount the NFS share.
Check the status :
service autofs status